
A demisexual pansexual whos pronouns are he/they

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to view my poetry, journals, and perhaps videos that I’ve made and posted on my website. These are all me. Be it parts of me that still linger, or parts of me that died with time. I’ve never had the luxury to be myself in any way shape or form. I’m giving it an attempt now, but it is still pretty nerve-racking. Being the which of why the above picture above, doesn’t show my face. I couldn’t do the same for the videos of me of course, but having the courage to post them sure took some time. I digress, please enjoy your time here and grow with me to build a sane mind. 

<3 Thank you <3

New poems on Friday!


Past the blinds and throughout

the room

planted in cracks and crevices;



trees whistle the leaves drift

morning air gives a gentle mist


water runs, though never poured

electricity flows, though never sparked

  • I can't live without you

    Oh, great 80's rock

    how I can't live without you

    so many reasons but one little poem

    your powerful solos and rocking hits

    your genre being #1 for ages...

    Full Poem 
  • Six Random Words

    One day I behaved

    But that one drag race

    Changed my day

    With the fast working masons

    On the subside of the building

    The Japanese dropped a machine...

    Full Poem 
  • I Am

    I am a nincompoop

    I wonder if later I will become a knuckle head

    I see different colors

    I want food

    I am a nincompoop...

    Full Poem 
  • Her

    You make my heart frolic

    you make my heart skip

    in a pool of your problems I would take a dip

    take a sip

    have them drip upon me...

    Full Poem 
  • Artist

    the artist paints the scene

    the clear blue skies and clear path

    gorgeous green trees of immaculacy

    sun shines through miraculously...

    Full Poem 
  • Date

    the lights flashed

    and sounds blaring

    your eyes glistened

    and your smile widened

    who knows where we were...

    Full Poem 
  • Built

    love is built

    from many years

    developed through time

    an emotion not developed

    by actions based on emotion...

    Full Poem 
  • Shirt

    I like to think of myself as a shirt

    there's many like me but my design is unique

    then someone comes from beyond the walls

    enters my home and takes me...

    Full Poem 
  • Reflection

    so close but so unnoticed



    but ignored

    aware of me...

    Full Poem 

My Favorite Pieces


Poem - Art

You're The Artist

When choosing what to make from my poems, these two lines were the first that came to my head. It is the best way to show how you feel to your partner. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words.

See Now

Poem - Oct 2, 2017


Inspired partially by those my friend's have told me about. Sometimes people seem so sure to be done with you and you're relieved. It isn't ever a goodbye since they enter your life once again.

See Now

Poem - The World

My Tab

Something I've always heard growing up. It seems to be the only way people think there is to win a person, through material items. They're nice I'll give them that. Let them know that you'll do all you can to take care of them.

See Now